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My name is Lichun Tseng.


Having multi passions as an artist/filmmaker and a spiritual practitioner, the creative and meditative input and inspiration have become the path that I am developing for myself and sharing with others over the past years.

From touch to balance
How did I start this journey?
I have to confess:
I never really officially received a massage in my life till I started my massage training….

And really until I get more connected with myself, my body through daily meditation and yoga practice, I started to allow myself to receive….
I discover my good sense of touch while volunteering in Portugal a few years ago, and then I got a part-time job in a massage salon later in the Netherlands. I enjoy the meditative moment, caring, but I was injuring myself. It could be the lack of proper training and repetitive work…. But I know, the main reason was I was giving too much. 
At that moment, I was a version: I thought I only need to give, I don’t need to receive. I only need to help others, I don’t need others to help me.
Soon after I quit the job, I accomplished Thai yoga massage training at ITM Thai hand school in Amsterdam. Thai yoga massage has holistic approach, it is like a flow between receiver and giving, and I have the freedom to create sessions that suits the clients’ needs, and I enjoy working on the ground, supporting clients going through the journey of balancing and connecting.

From separation to connection

Extending my practice with regular yoga and meditation practice, inner work and morning rituals really support me going through issues, stress, difficulty, depression, and self-judgments…..
Yin yoga teacher training was something I did for myself, for deepen my own practice. It was a transformative journey for me, which help me to be more connected with myself, learn to listen to my body, and invite more yin energy into daily life.

Slowly, I become a self-caring/self-love person, recover from “giving too much” “lack of boundary”, and “over-doing”  to start learning to listen/connect to my intuition, giving myself space and time, allow natural rhythm to flow at ease.

From reflection to liberation

Expanding the practice to sound therapy was a deep journey for me, it supports my self-awareness, self-reflection, to recognize, to reflect, to understand what is it about for me while experiencing resistance. It creates the space for me to receive the insight, gain the clarity and empower myself.

It is beautiful to experience how everything comes together.

And I would like to invite you to join the journey with me,
through treatment and practices
With the time and space, you create for yourself.

Inviting peace in the chaos
creating space in life
listening to the true voice in you
Connecting yourself with love


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